Владимир Высоцкий - В сон мне - жёлтые огни (Моя цыганская) текст на английском языке In the dream I - yellow lights, And wheezing in the dream I: - Pause, pause,- Morning sleep! But in the morning everything is not so, There is no fun: Or smoke on an empty stomach, Or drink with a hangover. In the pub - green bottle, White napkins. A Paradise for the poor and the jesters, Well I " like the bird in the cage! In the Church of the stench and dim, Дьяки burn incense. No! And in the Church are not the same All is not as it should. I am on the mountain in a hurry, That something happens. But on the mount is alder, And under the mountain cherry. Even if the slope увить ivy, I used and the Otrada, Though that would be something else... All is not as it should! I then across the field, along the river. Light is darkness, there is no God! And in the middle of the field,cornflowers The long road. Along the road - a forest thick With Women-Ягами, And in the end of the road-the Scaffold with axes. Somewhere horses dance to the beat, Reluctantly and smoothly. Along the road, all is not so, And in the end - even more so. Neither Church, nor the pub - Nothing is sacred! No, guys, it's not like All is not so, guys! 1968